O μεγαλύτερος Forex provider της Βρετανίας προσφέρει επενδυτικά CFD βασισμένα στην ισοτιμία του Bitcoin
O μεγαλύτερος Forex provider της Βρετανίας IG ανακοίνωσε ότι προσφέρει επενδυτικά CFD βασισμένα στην ισοτιμία του Bitcoin μέσω της πλατφόρμας Invest Your Way (IYW).
Για το θέμα δηλώσεις έκανε ο CEO της IYW Michael Newell στο Coindesk
“We actively work with clients to expand this range and the most highly requested product since launch has been bitcoin. Many people are aware of what they are, yet few know how to access them [bitcoin]. Fewer still would have any idea how to build bitcoin into a diversified portfolio.”
“Bitcoin is still a relatively new product and the value of them can be quite volatile. To ensure that this risk is managed appropriately, InvestYourWay will only include Bitcoin as one holding within a diversified fund, thereby reducing exposure and managing risk. “