To Mozilla Foundation δέχεται δωρεές σε Bitcoin
Από σήμερα το Mozilla Foundation δέχεται δωρεές και σε Bitcoin σε συνεργασία με την εταιρεία πληρωμών Coinbase. Την ανακοίνωση την έκανε η Coinbase μέσω του επίσημου blog της.
We’re pleased to announce that the Mozilla Foundation is now accepting bitcoin for donations with Coinbase’s merchant tools
Since it was founded in 1998, Mozilla has built great Web products while staying true to the core values of the Internet: openness, transparency, and decentralization. What started out as a small open-source project at Mozilla in 2003 evolved into Firefox, which is one of the most widely used Internet browsers in the world today. Firefox is Mozilla’s most well known project, but the Foundation is responsible for many initiatives designed to make the Internet a better place. Donations to the Foundation support education projects such as Mozilla Webmaker, and advocacy initiatives such as stopwatching.usand the fight for net neutrality.
By adding bitcoin as a donation method, Mozilla opens doors to a broader scope of donors. Nearly anyone in the world can now donate in small amounts without having to provide personally identifiable information or sensitive payment credentials.
Την επίσημη ανακοίνωση μπορείτε να την διαβάσετε εδώ ενώ μπορείτε να πραγματοποιήσετε δωρεές με Bitcoin εδώ