JP Morgan CEO: Μπορούμε να μάθουμε από τεχνολογίες όπως το Bitcoin
O CEO της JP Morgan Jamie Dimon στην ετήσια επιστολή του προς τους μετόχους μεταξύ άλλων τονίζει ότι η τράπεζα μπορεί να πάρει μαθήματα από την τεχνολογία του Bitcoin και την εφαρμογή της στο χαμηλό κόστος των συναλλαγών καθώς και στις καλύτερες τεχνικές κρυπτογράφησης.
“You all have read about bitcoin, merchants building their own networks, PayPal and PayPal look-alikes. Payments are a critical business for us – and we are quite good at it. But there is much for us to learn in terms of real-time systems, better encryption techniques and a reduction of costs and ‘pain points’ for customers.”
Some payments systems, particularly the ACH system controlled by NACHA, cannot function in real time and, worse, are continu- ously misused by free riders on the system. There is a true cost to allowing people to move money. For example, it costs retailers 50-70 basis points to use cash (due to preventing fraud and providing security, etc.). And retailers often will pay 1% to an intermediary to guarantee that a check is good. A guaranteed check essentially is the same as a debit card transaction for which they want to pay 0%. For some competi- tors, free riding is the only thing that makes their competition possible. Having said that, we need to acknowledge our own flaws. We need to build a real-time system that prop- erly charges participants for usage, allows for good customer service, and minimizes fraud and bad behavior.
“We need to acknowledge our own flaws … Rest assured, we analyse all of our competitors in excruciating detail – so we can learn what they are doing and develop our own strategies accordingly.”
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