H IBM αποκαλύπτει τα σχέδια της για την ενσωμάτωση του Blockchain στο Internet Of Things
Η IBM με ένα προσχέδιο της αποκαλύπτει τον σχεδιασμό τους για την δημιουργία του Internet Of Things και την ενσωμάτωση σε αυτό της τεχνολογίας του Blockchain. Το project το δημιουργούν σε συνεργασία με την Samsung και με την κωδική ονομασία ADEPT και είναι ένα μείγμα διάφορων αποκεντρωμένων τεχνολογιών όπως του BitTorrent (file sharing), TeleHash (peer-to-peer messaging) και της τεχνολογίας του Bitcoin Blockchain όπως εφαρμόζεται από το project Ethereum (smart contracts).
Όπως αναφέρουν στο έγγραφο τους επέλεξαν το project του ethereum καθώς η τεχνολογία Proof of Stake που χρησιμοποιεί σε αντίθεση με το Proof of Work που χρησιμοποιεί το Bitcoin είναι ποιο φιλικό στο περιβάλλον σε ενέργεια και το ehtereum είναι ένα project που δεν επικεντρώνετε τόσο στο νόμισμα του.
© IBM 2015 6IV: Integrating the Components into an ArchitectureBlockchain and Device Specific ArchitectureThe blockchain is a long ledger of transactions shared by participants of thenetwork. A full copy of the blockchain will have a record of every transaction evercompleted in the network. Every participant in the blockchain can maintain itsown copy of this ledger of transactions, though ideally, the amount of data storedwould vary based on capability, need and preference. Every block contains ahash of the previous block. This enables the blocks be traced back even to thefirst, the genesis block. It is computationally prohibitively difficult and impracticalto modify a block once it is created, especially as the chain of subsequent blocksget generated. Blocks in shorter chains are automatically invalidated by virtue ofthere being a longer chain – all participants adopt the longest chain available.Blocks are generated by a computation-intensive process called mining. Miningallows nodes to reach a secure, tamper-resistant consensus. Mining is also themechanism used to introduce new coins or tokens of transaction into the system:Miners are paid any transaction fees as well as new tokens, based on thespecific implementation model. There are various mining algorithms, primarilybased on Proof of Stake or Proof of Work approaches. The cryptocurrency spaceis actively engaged in investigations on optimizing different aspects of thetechnology including addressing challenges like scalability.It is important to note that while BitCoin contains an escalating difficulty in themining process to restrict the issuance of currency, no such restriction isnecessary in our vision of the world. We need sufficient Proof of Stake and Proofof Work to ensure network integrity and cryptographic security but without theneed to impose an arbitrarily increasing computation cost and carbon footprint onthe process.
IBM ADEPT Practictioner Perspective – Pre Publication Draft – 7 Jan 2015