To Bitcoin Foundation επικεντρώνεται πλέον μόνο στην ανάπτυξη του core κώδικα του Bitcoin
Με μια ανακοίνωση στο official Blog τους το Bitcooin Foundation γνωστοποίησε ότι πλέον επικεντρώνετε μόνο στην ανάπτυξη του κώδικα του πυρήνα του Bitcoin.
And ready we were. Last August, the Bitcoin Foundation was invited by Treasury to provide aninformational briefing to senior executives from federal agencies such as the Internal Revenue Service, the Financial Crimes and Enforcement Division (FinCEN), Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security, Secret Service and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Yesterday marked the one year anniversary of the first U.S. Senate hearings on digital currency where the overwhelming consensus on the federal treatment for Bitcoin was to “wait and see.” Wait and see for what you ask?
Simply, for the market to build the products and services that will deliver on Bitcoin’s social and economic promises, “for global financial inclusion, improved financial privacy, economic opportunity, enhanced personal liberty and dignity and even a stable money supply for people in countries where monetary stability may threaten prosperity or even peace,” as presented through the foundation’s expert testimony.
In the beginning, the foundation did it all — public policy, education and outreach, core development — primarily because there was no one else to do it. Thankfully we’ve come a long way since then and as the ecosystem matures, just as with any startup, its time to start shedding hats and specializing.
Κατά την άποψη τους ήρθε η ώρα το Bitcoin Foundation να γυρίσει στις ρίζες του που είναι και η ανάπτυξη του ίδιου του open source κώδικα Bitcoin
It couldn’t be clearer. We’ve found our true calling. Our members are signaling that its time to return to our roots and that is to focus on funding the ongoing core development to build out the critical infrastructure that serves as the foundation of this brand new digital ecosystem.
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