Άλλο ένα Cloud Mining ανακοινώνει ότι θα σταματήσει την λειτουργία του
Άλλη μια εταιρεία Cloud Mining η ZeusHash ανακοίνωσε ότι θα σταματήσει τις δραστηριότητες της αν η ισοτιμία του Bitcoin παραμείνει σε αυτά τα χαμηλά επίπεδα.
Για την απόφαση τους αυτή έκανε δηλώσεις ο Ceo της εταιρείας Terry Li στο Coindesk
“I don’t know if there are many platforms [that are going to] be left on the play field. I’m sure that suppliers like us backed up by real hashing power would be running out of juice pretty soon. All contracts will be frozen within [a] short time if price keeps dropping.”
Ενώ ανάρτησαν και ανακοίνωση στο site τους.
Dear ZeusHash customers,
As Bitcoin price witnessed significant and continuous dropping lately, the daily payouts of GHS will not be able to cover maintenance fees (now at $0.0023 per GHS per day) very soon. As you can see the payouts today have already been eaten up by 98%+ of maintenance fees.
According to our Terms, “in case the daily mining return is lower than the maintenance fee for at least 10 days in a row”, we’ll have to cease the operation of our mining farms and freeze all GHS contracts, which is a forced measure when there’s no mining profitability.
We’d like to warn you not to purchase more GHS as it’s not the best time for investment. And we are working on different plans for your profits when the conditions for freezing GHS contracts are met. The final solution will be released then.
As a dedicated cloud mining platform, ZeusHash will continue its efforts to seek for better solutions to deliver more cost-efficient cloud mining contracts. Negotiations with our partners are going on smoothly and it won’t be long before the new contracts are available.
ZeusHash Team